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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Italy 2012: A Beautiful Ride

This is part of Cocoon's Summer In Italy series. 

We're in Italy for our annual visit. I love it when everything goes smoothly - flight on time, connections made, and even managed a few hours of sleep on the plane!

This year we had a nonstop flight from LAX to Rome - 11 hours and then a short jump to Bologna. Leaving in the afternoon PST and arriving in the afternoon Italian time is really the way to go - the jet lag is so much less! Instead of falling asleep on the car ride from the airport to my mother-in-law's home, we were wide awake and ready to go!

In fact, the next day after arrival my husband and I went on a 60 km bike ride through the mountainous region of Emilia Romagna where we stay. Let's just say you're either going uphill or downhill - but it's countless miles of incredible beauty. Here are pictures showing some of the amazing views we enjoy while cycling in this region:

Rolled hay and wind generators
Town center of Civago
Fountain in Civago
View from S. Pellegrino in Alpe
Panoramic view of surrounding mountains
My husband, Fabrizio, and I
Fresh air, exercise, and natural beauty - definitely needed to balance all the amazing food we eat and the yummy wines we must try while here!

Fino alla prossimo volta (until the next time)!

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