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Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Meditations: Space Cadet

This is part of Cocoon's Monday Meditation series.

Courtesy of
I am really, really good at ignoring things that I don't want to deal with. Somehow I find a way to do anything else (even if it mean cleaning out my closet or cleaning toilets) to keep me from taking on something that I feel overwhelmed or intim-idated by.

This is my way of "spacing out" or keeping my myself from thinking about what I know I should be doing.

Here is a meditation taken from Madonna Gauding's, The Meditation Bible, designed to help bring you back to the present so you can take on whatever it is that has you gazing out into space, or filling your time with things that really don't need to be done at the moment. Here's what she says:

Has anyone ever had to say to you, "Earth to (insert your name here)" to get your attention? You are so completely not present that the person has to make contact by radio from Earth to your space ship somewhere. It is as if you are in your own little world, not available to relate to anyone and oblivious to what is around you. You may use this as a defense against what seems too overwhelming. Or you may just have a habit of being 'an absent-minded professor'. Try hanging up your space suit if you want to live a more mindful and aware life.

Let's Meditate 
1. Bring to mind instances where you felt being unaware of your surroundings presented a problem for you or those around you. 
2. Stand barefoot on a wooden floor with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your spine straight and shoulders level and relaxed. Your arms can hang loosely at your sides, slightly away from your body, as if you are holding an egg under each armpit. Feel your feet on the smooth floor. 
3. Keep your eyes open and breathe naturally. Without turning your head, try to take in as much as you can through your senses. Notice the color of the furniture, the shape and textures of objects in the room. Observe the light and the shadows. Notice any smells; feel the temperature. Now pay attention to any sounds. Do you hear the sound of a fan, a bird chirping outside, or the motor humming in your refrigerator? 
4. Meditate in this way for ten minutes. If it makes you uncomfortable to be this aware, ask yourself why? Practice being this attentive to your environment on a daily basis. Then try being this attentive to people you are with, giving them your full attention when interacting with them.

And don't forget, turn off your mobile so you are not tempted to see what text message just came through!

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